Continuous Caster Cooling Water Upgrades
Continuous Caster Cooling Water Upgrades
Caster Cooling System Upgrades were designed to improve control of cooling water application for caster roll modules. Larger circulating pumps, heat exchangers and piping modifications necessary for the increased cooling were staged in using temporary spools to minimize down time. A new duplex strainer was incorporated to improve system reliability. The existing spray cooling water system was modified from 11 to 20 zones with new atomizing air headers to meet cast slab specifications. Additional compressors and backwash filters were necessary to supply compressed air and maintain spray nozzle effectiveness.
UAV Inspection
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Inspections combined with Alignment Surveys of Crane Runways Orbital Technical Solutions (OTS) provided Asset Integrity Services with use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and survey equipment. The equipment was used to complete visual...